YFT Goal management software

Goal management is extremely important for individuals, teams, start-ups, yftglobal.com goal management software is your excellent solution to achieve strategic goals

Pure, concise goal management software to empower you and your team

Setting goals, managing daily tasks, and tracking overall progress

YFT objective management software helps businesses and teams stay on the right track in a fast-paced and ever-changing industry, while encouraging positive internal innovation. YFT goal management software helps companies and teams prioritize strategic goals and increase efficiency, while increasing employee autonomy and engagement to maximize the execution of goal strategies with limited resources.

Easy-to-Use Goal Setting Software

Set goals through OKR, and the team reaches consensus, helping the team to better adjust and implement strategic goals

Daily Task Management

Manage your daily tasks through the four-quadrant Kanban board, clarify daily work priorities, and achieve goals better and faster.

Task Management Software

Improve your team's productivity with clean, intuitive task management features

Engage Teams with Weekly Feedback

Focus on what’s important - team objectives;Share weekly plans, progress and problems;Connect with their team;Be heard by team leader.